Monterrey, MX
+52 (81) 1454 0613


According to the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (the “Law”), its Regulations and other provisions derived therefrom, Brambila, Camarena & Abogados, S.C. (hereinafter, “BC”), with domicile at David Alfaro Siqueiros 106, Col. (hereinafter, “BC”), with address at David Alfaro Siqueiros 106, Col. Valle Oriente, San Pedro Garza García, N.L. 66269, informs you through this privacy notice (the “Privacy Notice”) that it is responsible for the treatment of your personal data, its use and protection; making the best efforts to avoid damages, loss, destruction, theft, loss, alteration or unauthorized treatment of the same at all times.

1. Responsibility.

BC, through the person designated in paragraph 10 of this Privacy Notice, will be responsible for the processing of your personal data, the use given to them and their protection, committing to comply at all times with the provisions of this Privacy Notice and the Law.

BC informs you that the personal data provided will be treated and safeguarded based on the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, established by law. By providing personal data to BC by any of the means mentioned in paragraph 4 of this Privacy Notice, you consent to BC to collect, store, use and transfer such data; only for the purposes described in paragraph 3 of this Privacy Notice.

2.         Personal data to be collected.
Derived from the business relationship with you, BC will require your personal data as follows: (i) name(s) and surname(s), (ii) address, (iii) Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), (iv) occupation, (v) contact information (telephone, cell phone, email), and (vi) information necessary for the integration of a file as a customer or service provider related to the object of BC.

3.         Purpose of the Personal Data.

3.1. Primary:
– Identification in terms of the applicable legislation.
– Inclusion in the database of investors, customers or suppliers.
– Contact and integration of physical and/or electronic file as client or supplier.
– Provision of professional legal, tax, financial and/or accounting services, as well as compliance with the obligations related thereto.
– Preparation of audits and/or business valuations.
– Offering of investments.
– Marketing or advertising.
– Commercial prospecting.
– Invoicing and, if applicable, collection.

3.2. Secondary:
– Sending correspondence via e-mail to disseminate articles or information related to the services offered by BC.
– Provide attention to requests for information on services, costs and / or any other requirement that is formulated by our customers.

4.         Collection of Personal Data.
In order to comply with the purposes mentioned in the previous point, BC may collect your personal data in different ways:
– When provided directly by you, either in writing, verbally, electronically, your direct entry to the BC website or by sending electronic files or any other nature.
– When obtained through any service provider related to the services provided by BC, or
– Through any other source contemplated in the applicable legislation, the Law and its Regulations.

5.         Transfer of your personal data.
We inform you that your personal data may be shared by BC inside and outside the country with the following third party recipients, for the following purposes:

1. Companies and/or legal, accounting or financial firms with which we have collaboration or correspondent agreements. In order to be able to attend and channel your request for information to the corresponding area.

2. Companies that provide services to BC. In order for third parties to provide BC with services of different specialization to those offered and required by its clientele.

3. To BC’s external advisors.
In order to respond to claims, requests, complaints or questions related to the request for information made through the website or in person.

4. In the cases legally foreseen.
BC will only transfer your personal data to comply with the necessary purposes described above, as well as in those cases in which it is required in terms of the applicable legislation and/or in compliance with the requirements of competent authorities.

The sending of your personal data through BC’s website will be understood as your consent for your personal data to be transferred in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

BC undertakes to carry out any transfer of information under the terms set forth in this Privacy Notice, in the Law and its regulations, as well as in accordance with the legislation applicable to the case in question.

The processing of personal data between BC, its partners, associates, employees or any authority will not require additional consent from you.

6.         ARCO Rights. Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition.
You may at any time correct or update your information, oppose the treatment that is being given to your personal data or revoke the consent you have given in order to stop BC from using them.

To revoke the consent given to BC about personal data, you must send an email to the Area Responsible for Personal Data, as indicated in paragraph 1.10 of this document. The email referred to herein must contain (i) the full name of the holder of the personal data; (ii) address and email address to receive the response generated in response to your request; (iii) the reason for your request; (iv) the arguments supporting your request and (v) an official document proving your identity. BC will notify you within a maximum period of 10 (ten) business days, counted from the date it received your request.

In order to obtain access to any personal information or revoke the consent you have given to BC, all the requirements stipulated in this Privacy Notice and in the Law must be met.

7.         Validity.
BC shall be subject to the terms of confidentiality and security referred to in its Privacy Notice or in the Act, for as long as it treats your personal information.

8.         Modification to the Privacy Notice.
BC reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time, without prior notice or liability. In the event that the Privacy Notice is amended in any way, BC is obligated to post its new Privacy Notice on its website. BC’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data will be governed by the latest version of the Privacy Notice.

9.         Security.
BC is committed to safeguard your personal data under strict administrative, technical and physical security measures, which have been implemented in order to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment.

BC may establish agreements with third parties for the storage of personal data, as long as it guarantees the security of the same in conditions not inferior to those established by BC.

Only personnel authorized by BC, will have access to personal data and will be prohibited from providing access to unauthorized persons and use personal data for purposes other than those set forth in the Privacy Notice.

10.      Responsible for the Personal Data.
BC appoints Rafael Brambila López as the person responsible for the Personal Data and its processing within BC (the “Responsible Area”). You may contact such area by e-mail at or directly at the address set forth in this Privacy Notice.

11.      Cookies and Web Beacons.
We inform you that on our website we may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing our website, as well as offer you new products and services based on your preferences.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can set your browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when a site is trying to send you cookies. If you wish to disable cookies, please consult your browser’s help menu. Please note that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain personalized features on our website. The use of the services, as well as the request for information by any of BC’s means will be understood as the granting of an express consent to BC to carry out the processing of my personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

12.      Contact.
In case of doubts about the interpretation or scope of this Privacy Notice or regarding the processing of your Personal Data in terms of the same, please contact us at any of the addresses provided below.

E-mail address:


Brambila, Camarena & Abogados, S.C.